Six Ways to Stop Your Visitors Leaving Your Website

Although it’s not visibly evident enough- the war in digital platforms is more brutal and chaotic than in the traditional marketing platform.

Everybody wants to stay at the top of the Google SERP.

We accept that SEO is the best way to generate potential leads and drive potential traffic towards your website. But is it enough for your business?

Even though you can drive massive traffics to your website through SEO.

Are you achieving your sales target? or your customers are leaving you as fast as they came?

Once audiences abandon your website, the chance of getting your client back only accounts for 20 to 30 per cent. As a marketer, you should try to employ everything within and beyond your reach to keep your customers engaged during their visit to your website. Keeping your viewers engaged for a long time enhances the likelihood to convert them into potential customers.

If you are receiving decent traffic but still facing sluggish customer engagement and disappointing conversion rate; then it’s time to reanalyze your content marketing strategies.

Is your website’s bouncing rate too high?

Meanwhile, I suggest, you implement these following rules for accelerating your visitors’ engagements and keep your bounce rate to the minimum.

1. Promise What You Can Deliver

Getting clicks is not a hard task, but you have to post relevant contents for your audiences to keep them fixated. An enticing headline may lure your audiences, but if the landing page doesn’t live up to their expectations, then they will leave your website with disappointment or even frustration.

If your headline says – How Social Media Advertising campaigns help you generate potential leads? then the link must include contents related to the topic.

Click-worthy headlines are only a gateway for a potential lead, it’s the engaging information that casts the final magic.

2. Make your Website’s Content Visually Pleasing

You can’t expect your audiences to lay on their couch and read your articles while sipping coffee.  Usually, a person clicks 2-3 links at the same time and scan the best content by words and phrases.

As a marketer, you have to create contents addressing all sections of audiences. Flowery words might be tempting for linguistic aficionados, but most users will find it too hard to consume. Consequently, they will migrate towards contents that don’t challenge their vocabulary skills or, make them constantly reach for the dictionary.

Solution: Get your content developed by an experienced content writer and optimize them through experienced SEO analysts. You can hire digital marketing expert in India at a cost-effective price.

Important Tips to Make Your Content Appealing for Your Readers

Make it readable:

Keep your headings and subheadings to the size that doesn’t cause eye strain to the users. Also, ensure proper line spacing so that readers can read them without making them stretch their necks.

Segregate your contents:

Two small paragraphs are much easier to read that a single large para. Psychologically, people find it challenging to read paragraphs consisting of more than 4 sentences or 5 lines in total. Composing catchy subheadings work as a tool to hold your readers’ attention by stimulating their curiosity and doesn’t make them lose interest in the article.

Use bullet points:

If you have to post a lot of information in a single paragraph, then it’s better to separate them by bullet points.

Call your clients with unique actions

Readers will leave the site once they retrieve the information they came for, but you can stop them leaving through a smart ‘Call to Action’ (CTA). It will give them a reason to stay connected to your site or make them subscribe to your newsletters.

There is still a problem?

Placing your CTA randomly in your content doesn’t attract enough attention of readers.

So How to Fix It?

Instead of adding static CTA, create an animated slide-in CTA. It will pop-out in front of your reader’s eyes and ensure a prominent presence on the page.

You can add various opt-in builder tools to your website for creating digitally captivating CTA that won’t cause any disturbances to users while reading.

3. Be Thankful enough to make them stay

After completing the call to action, your clients don’t have any other reason to stay. As a business person, your work is to customize the ‘Thank You’ page with compelling contents. The page symbolizes the conversion of an audience to a potential lead.

Displaying useful and popular contents on the ‘Thank You’ page can entice your visitors to stay longer on the website, which increases the conversion possibilities.

You can grab that opportunity to engage with audiences by highlighting relevant & useful content on your site.

4. Videos can boost your revenue

In a survey, most consumers state that they prefer ‘videos’ over ‘contents’. It was also witnessed that marketers who use videos on their website, enjoy 49% more revenue than their counterparts. Creating visual representations of your contents might seem tedious but in reality, it isn’t.

There are various user-friendly applications available online which allows you to create visually enriched images and videos for your website within a matter of few clicks. The easiest way to do is to convert your texts into a presentation and save them as video format.

5. Don’t let your audience ‘Waiting’

Page loading time is essential for your conversion ratings irrespective of your prices and services. A single second delay can lose your conversion rate up to 7%. Try to keep your page loading time below 3 seconds in an average.

Apart from that, you can use other methods like image compressions and CDN. Images take a lot of data and it will affect the loading time for users with a slow internet connection. Use an image compression tool to compress your images without losing their quality. WordPress users can use plugins like WP Smush it.

Using a content delivery network of CDN helps you cache all your site’s file and deliver them to your visitors through a nearer server. CDN encompasses a network of servers spread across several sections of the world which significantly reduce the loading time.

6. Use Exit Intent Popup

Exit Intent Popup is a revolutionary tool which automatically detects the moment when your visitors are about to leave your website and prompt them to stay by displaying targeted campaigns. Intent Popup helps you recover 53% of your abandoned visitors. It has a proven record to reduce your shopping cart abandonment as well.

Few marketing ideas to use in your Exit Intent Popup

  • Address your visitors by using their name
  • Ask them to read your new blogs
  • Invite them to have a chat with your support team
  • Give them irresistible offers

I hope you like the information and expect it helps you in the long run. Optimizing the off-page and on-page activities of your website is the key to gaining maximum exposure. Get your website analysed by an SEO Analysts from Pro Digital Mind- The best digital marketing company in India.

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